
My original aim is to blur the line between real and imaginary.

During this quest, scenes appear in my mind, fleeting and moving. My obsession is to transcribe these scenes as faithfully as possible. It's this thirst for authenticity, life and movement that guides my research. The need for contrast between blur and sharpness that invites immersion.

Above and beyond this technical requirement, I wish above all to be a storyteller. By blending realism and onirism, I narrate a transfigured world on the borderline between romanticism and symbolism.

My universe reflects states of mind in constant duality. Materialized by works with their own voice, whose mystery and poetry leave room for varying degrees of interpretation. This inner conflict is reflected in all my work, which deals with multiple aspects of existence. Gradually illustrating a reality that I feel to be bittersweet.

Dimitri Buiron is a painter on the border between hyperrealism, romanticism and symbolism. He lives and works à Angers, France.


– Prix E. Rugale Michaïlov – Fondation Taylor – 2023
– Médaille d’argent – Salon des Artistes Français – 2024
– Prix Club des Amis de l’Europe et des Arts (CAEA) – 2024
- Member of the Société des Artistes Français



Exposition Grands Prix 2023 – Fondation Taylor – Paris 
Salon des Artistes Français – Grand Palais Éphémère – Paris 
Salon Comparaisons – Grand Palais Éphémère – Paris
Solo show – Tour Saint-Aubin – Angers
Artcité – Hôtel de Ville – Fontenay-sous-Bois
Salon 49 Regards – Anciennes Ecuries – Trélazé


Salon des Artistes Français – Grand Palais Éphémère – Paris
Salon Comparaisons – Grand Palais Éphémère – Paris
Exhibition – Coldwell Banker agency – Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Salon 49 Regards – Anciennes Ecuries – Trélazé
Salon des Arts  ( Invité d’honneur ) – Cholet


Adhésion – Fondation Taylor
Salon des Artistes Français – Grand Palais Éphémère – Paris
Salon d’Automne – Grande Halle de la Villette – Paris


"Social Gravity" series exhibition – 7 paintings – Palais des congrès – Versailles​
 Arte Laguna World 20.21​


"Social Gravity" series exhibition – 7 paintings – Palais des congrès – Versailles ( Reported )
Salon d’Automne – Champs-Élysées – Paris ( Cancelled )
Artbox Project Barcelone ( reported )
Salon des jeunes talents plasticiens ArbustesMantes La Jolie


Salon d’Automne – Champs-Élysées – Paris​
Exposition collective – Art For Life – Paris​
Salon des jeunes talents plasticiens ArbustesMantes La Jolie


Salon d’Automne – Champs-Élysées – Paris​
Exposition collective Colorfiled Gallery – Paris​
Salon des jeunes talents plasticiens Arbustes – Mantes La Jolie


Art Up Lille – Stand New Square Galerie – Lille​
Salon d’Automne – Champs-Élysées – Paris​


Salon Artoulouse Expo – Stand solo – Toulouse​
Salon des jeunes talents plasticiens Arbustes – Mantes La Jolie